Thingiverse is the place to share digital designs for fabricating real, physical objects. Share your work and inspire other innovators in the Thingiverse universe.
Cults is a marketplace that connects designers and people who want to 3D print some objects.
because everyone doesn't have an artistic soul or the ability to use cao 3d software, cults highlights the work of these designers who will make 3d printing accessible to all.cults is a social network that brings together all the fans of the 3d printer world, so that they can interact with each other.cults also stands for generosity. thanks to promotions category, all 3d printing aficionados can find coupon codes to buy 3d printers, filaments, 3d scanners and many other accessories at the best why such a name? cults is an anacycle: read backwards it becomes st. luc, patron saint of artists and sculptors. read backwards you can also find .stl, the universal 3d format. in short, cults, it seemed obvious to us.
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