The Best 17 Crypt Alternatives
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Boxcryptor is an easy-to-use encryption software optimized for the cloud. It allows the secure use of cloud storage services without sacrificing comfort.
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This is a Java-based application that allows the user to important files that are on that operating system to encrypt easy and secure and organize. Tested on WinXP...
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ImmediateCrypt is an utility for encryption and decryption of plain text messages with the AES-256 cipher. It is released under the GPLv3 license (full Java source...
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east-tec SafeBit
east-tec SafeBit is the perfect electronic vault you need for your privacy. It features on-the-fly AES encryption, by creating virtual encrypted disk drives, where you...
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SecureBlackbox is a library (suite of components and classes) for software developers that allows them to provide secure data transfer and storage, digital signing and verification, encryption and compression (please refer to EldoS website...
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ScramDisk for Linux - SD4L
SD4L is a suite of Linux tools and a graphical user interface (GUI) which allow the creation of, and access to ScramDisk encrypted container files. In particular, SD4L...
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abylon BASIC
The security of sensitive data is often neglected. But the encryption of diaries, pictures or other secret documents is so simply. abylon BASIC is a collection to...