The Best 22 Crowdcrafting Alternatives
13 Like allows you to localize Ruby on Rails applications using either `t('.keys')` or `_('free text')`.
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Amazon Mechanical Turk
The online market place for work. We give businesses and developers access to an on-demand scalable workforce. Workers can work at home and make money by choosing from...
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Distributed Proofreaders
Distributed Proofreaders provides a web-based method to ease the conversion of Public Domain books into e-books.
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The Zooniverse is home to the internet's largest, most popular and most successful citizen science projects. Our current projects are here but plenty more are on the...
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Watch students become better learners as they level up, work in teams, and earn privileges to help them succeed.
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wq framework
wq is a modular framework for building custom offline-capable desktop and mobile web apps for volunteered geographic information, citizen science, and crowdsourcing.
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TinyButton localizes any E-Commerce Store or Website in minutes with 3 easy steps and one line of code through a network of over 15,000 translators available world wide.
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Ace eComm Services
Grow your business with our tailored eCommerce solutions for catalog processing, product data management, shopping cart data entry, and eCommerce back office support....