Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors.
Discover the fascinating relation between time and the cosmos. Enjoy this interactive learning tool and understand the concept of the celestial sphere and the apparent movement of the sky.
discover the fascinating relation between time and the cosmos. enjoy this interactive learning tool and understand the concept of the celestial sphere and the apparent movement of the sky.
cosmic watch is the worlds first and most advanced interactive 3d astronomical time device in the digital age!
featuring:realtime world clock: know the local time anywhere on earth with just one touch.time travel: explore any planetary positions in the past, present and future. determine the exact time of sunrise or sunset with the horizon.navigation: align the cosmic watch with the cardinal points and experience your realtime position in the cosmos. find the planets in the sky!orientation: with the equatorial coordinates you can adjust your telescope.digital orrery: discover the solar system from a geocentric point of view.interactive astral chart: to find out your ascendant and planets in retrograde has never been easier and more beautiful.solar eclipse detector: be aware when this epic moments will happen.
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Games Education and Reference
sky-map astronomy astrology cosmos space-photography
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope. It is being used in planetarium projectors.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Can’t see the moon? Want to know where it is? Look through the eyes of your device to see a virtual window into the whole visible universe.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Windows RT Windows Phone
Indispensable for amateurs and professionals, as well as for kids who are eager to learn, Star Walk will guide you through the night sky in style.
Commercial Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Kindle Fire Windows Phone Apple TV
This program enables you to draw sky charts, making use of the data in 16 catalogs of stars and nebulae. In addition the position of planets, asteroids and comets are shown.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
From an augmented reality view of the night sky, to a virtual visit to the surface of Mars, Pocket Universe is the ultimate in astronomy apps.
Freemium iPhone iPad
A browser-based virtual planetarium of stars and planets customizable by location (latitude and longitude) and time of day.
Free Web
Stellarium Mobile is a fully-featured planetarium for your phone. It shows a realistic night sky map in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
3D simulation of the Solar System and night sky - real time virtual orrery and observatory Features: - Heliocentric view with real-time positions of planets and...
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Web
StarMap 3D Plus is the portable star atlas for beginners or advanced astronomers. Use StarMap 3D Plus to find the planets, stars, constellations, star clusters...
Commercial iPhone iPad
Vortex Planetarium - Discover the sky. The most comprehesive, fully featured Planetarium on Android. Used by amateur astronomers and armchair observers alike, Vortex Planetarium offers a window to the skies in stunning detail.
Commercial Android Android Tablet