CDisplay Ex
CDisplay Ex is the most used comic book reader. It is able to read all comic book formats (cbr cbz pdf etc..).
Comic Seer is a freeware sequential image viewer desktop application for Microsoft Windows and Linux, specifically used for viewing Comic Book Archive files containing image formats, such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and others.
Comic Seer is a freeware sequential image viewer desktop application for Microsoft Windows and Linux, specifically used for viewing Comic Book Archive files containing image formats, such as JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and others. Comic Seer is targeted at the management of large comic book libraries, while still being a full featured comic viewer.
Productivity Books News File Management
cbr cbz rar zip comics magnify multi-page comic
CDisplay Ex is the most used comic book reader. It is able to read all comic book formats (cbr cbz pdf etc..).
Free Windows
Perfect Viewer is a very fast image/comic viewer. *Turn black/white image into 4 colorize image(Only available for donated users. Need install Perfect Viewer donation application).
Free Android
Icecream Ebook Reader offers to add EPUB, MOBI, PDF, FB2 books and CBR and CBZ comics to the Library and view them in Table View or Book Shelf modes.
Freemium Windows
Manga Rock is the best manga reader app across platforms. Since 2010, the app has achieved over 2 million downloads on both iPhone and iPad, with an overall rating of 4/5.
Freemium Android iPhone iPad
Comic Book Reader is the viewer you need to enjoy all your electronic publication. It is available both as Desktop and Windows 8 Metro UI for PC and tablets.
Free Open Source Windows
Amazon’s premier graphic novel experience, comiXology is a comic store and reader with access to over 75,000 digital comics, graphic novels & manga. FEATURES - Read all of your purchased comiXology books on all your devices.
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Kindle Fire Windows RT
ComittoN is a viewer for self-scanning comic image. Open PNG, JPG, Image Folders, ZIP(CBZ) and RAR(CBR) files. Directly browse the zip file in the Windows shared folder (SAMBA).
Free Android
mangameeyace is compact version of mangameeya. it has less but some unique feature compared to mangameeya.
Free Windows
ZingBox is a free manga reader app for android which provides the most amazing manga reading experience. You can read manga in a clean and easy-to-use interface without any banner ads.
Free Android
bubble - Comic book reader for Android 4.1+ Features: Optimized for tablets Supports CBZ/ZIP, CBR/RAR and folder based comics Advanced zoom and scaling modes ...
Free Open Source Android
Comic Book Reader is an open-source, browser-based comic book reader. FEATURES Can read CBR, CBZ, and CBT files Runs in the browser as a JavaScript and HTML web...
Free Open Source Web GitHub