The Best 12 Codecall Alternatives

  • Stack Exchange icon

    Stack Exchange

    Stack Exchange is a fast-growing network of 84 [and counting] question and answer sites on diverse topics from software programming to cooking to photography and gaming.

    Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web

  • Quora icon

    Quora is a question/answer service allowing users to pose questions that other users can answer, each question and answer can have comments, each users can write one individual answer and there can be a summary answer.

    Free Android iPhone Web

  • Askme

    Startups get your queries answered by the World's Top Investors and Entrepreneurs. Startups + Investors +Entrepreneurs Connect.

    Free Web

  • AllAnswered is a free hosted service for any community to build their own Stack Overflow-like Q&A board. Check it out to see how easy it is to have your own Stack Overflow.

    Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet Chrome OS Web

  • Boardest is a forum, question/answer and link sharing service allowing users to ask questions, open discussion threads and share links that other users can comment and contribute.

    Free Web

  • QueryHome

    QueryHome is a Knowledge Social Network for people to come together and ask technical doubts and contribute by answering questions, solving doubts and writing articles.

    Free Open Source Android Android Tablet Web

  • Tesse

    Tesse is an expert search engine which allows you to search and connect with global experts by a keyword of skills or expertise. It is an on-demand platform for...

    Free Android iPhone Web

  • Curositi

    Curositi is an online community of people having a passion for searching, researching, learning new things and acquiring knowledge.

    Free Personal Web

  • Ihavesolved

    I have solved is Question and Answer website. If you register, you can ask questions and give your answers.

    Free Web