Design and simulate electronic circuits! All joking aside, this time you will understand how electronic circuits work. "I stumbled upon some serious gold" - GeekBeat.
Circuit Solver uses a simple drag and drop approach to building circuits. Simply drag the elements from the tool box onto the screen where you can wire and edit their...
as i neared my senior year for my b.s. in electrical engineering, i wanted to createsomething that most people hadn't created before, a circuit simulator! it was about the experience, the learning, and the the journey itself. i put together this application to package my knowledge inelectrical engineering to some day help another student have an easier time in theirscholastic pursuits and in turn teach them about circuits. circuit solver is far from perfect and there are lots of things that could be optimized. it will however, simulate a majority of linear circuits and a decentamount of smaller scale nonlinear circuits. if this app helps you in any way, i'd appreciate you spreading the word to help support my efforts, thanks!
mirror simulation voltage simulate solver spice led ac-analysis ammeter amplifier and-gate bjt capacitance capacitor common constant controlled current darlington differential diode emitter everycircuit gate inductance inductor linear mosfet multisim nand-gate nmos nodal nor-gate ohmmeter opamp operational or-gate pmos resistor rlc sink transformer transient transistor voltmeter widlar