xenus link sleuth
Xenus Link Sleuth checks Web sites for broken links. Link verification is done on "normal" links, images, frames, plug-ins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts and java applets.
Boost your SEO, speed and security: Checkbot for Chrome crawls your site to test you’re following over 50+ best practices. Test 1,000s of pages in minutes for broken...
checkbot for chrome crawls your website to check you’re following over 50 best practices that boost your seo, speed and security. test 1,000s of pages in minutes to uncover broken links, duplicate content issues, invalid html/css/javascript, insecure password forms, performance killing redirect chains and much more. checkbot gives you all the tools you need to track down, understand and eliminate critical website issues.
see below for a list of best practices checkbot can automatically test for and visit the checkbot web guide (https://www.checkbot.io/guide/ ) for detailed descriptions of each.
seo best practices: use unique titles use optimal length titles set page descriptions use unique descriptions use optimal length descriptions avoid thin content pages avoid duplicate pages set image alt text set mobile scaling avoid plugins use short urls avoid underscores in urls avoid url extensions avoid url parameters avoid symbols in urls use lowercase urls avoid deeply nested urls use valid html use valid css use valid javascript return 404 for broken links avoid broken internal links avoid broken external links avoid broken page resources use robots.txt files specify sitemap locations avoid temporary redirects avoid meta redirects
web speed best practices: use compression avoid recompressing data minify files avoid inline source maps enable caching use long caching times avoid duplicate resources avoid inline css avoid css @import defer javascript loading avoid inline javascript avoid internal link redirects avoid resource redirects avoid redirect chains
web security best practices: use https avoid mixed content send passwords securely use hsts use hsts preload disable content sniffing specify mime types restrict iframe usage use xss protection hide server version data
Official Website
Google Chrome extension SEO Audit
chrome-extension web-development seo-audit seo-platform seo-reports seo-software search-engine-optimization security-utilities site-link-validator website-checker web-security broken-links seo-spider crawling website-crawler pagespeed redirect-checker
Xenus Link Sleuth checks Web sites for broken links. Link verification is done on "normal" links, images, frames, plug-ins, backgrounds, local image maps, style sheets, scripts and java applets.
Free Windows
Netpeak Spider is a desktop tool which crawls your website like a search engine robot and detects key SEO issues that influence the website’s visibility in SERP. Netpeak...
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Turn your website into an unshakable search engine leader with the only world-standard SEO software. The power of top Google ranking is huge: make your website show...
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pagespeed is addon for firebug (debugger addon for mozilla firefox ) for analyzing of page loading process and suggesting to webmaster how speed up page loading. javascript obfuscating, image resizing, css merging and vise versa.
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The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a small desktop program (PC or Mac) which crawls websites’ links, images, CSS, script and apps from an SEO perspective.
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A web-based crawler with real-time crawl feedback. Advanced, fast & flexible SEO website crawler that can help identify technical or architectural issues with any...
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YSlow analyzes web pages and suggests ways to improve their performance based on a set of rules for high performance web pages. YSlow is a Firefox add-on integrated with the Firebug web development tool.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome Firefox Safari Opera Firebug
ContentKing provides Real-time SEO Auditing and Content Change Tracking. Real-time SEO Auditing + 24/7 Monitoring Thanks to its advanced crawling algorithm and...
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Lighthouse is an open-source, automated tool for improving the quality of web pages. You can run it against any web page, public or requiring authentication.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
SEOCrawler is an all-in-one SEO tool designed to help you boost your websites' rankings, visibility and conversions.
Commercial Web
Discover broken links, uncover missing page titles, duplicate content and identify other problems with our SEO crawler software. Find Errors Easily Taking the time...
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SEO Magnifier an ultimate free SEO tools platform with different SEO services for the webmasters. Paraphrasing tool, Word Counter, Article spinner, plagiarism checker...
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Streamline your SEO Backlinks Analysis, Detox and Monitoring activities with an All-In-One Backlinks Analysis desktop solution.
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