Pocket Casts
Stay up to date with all the latest podcasts (or netcasts if you're Leo) with one easy to use app. Simply add your favourite podcasts, and you'll be able to stream or download new episodes as they become available.
Castamatic is the all new podcast player for iOS, with a bloat free user interface and a strong focus on getting the best listening experience possible for any kind of podcast, in any listening situation.
tired of struggling to listen to you favorite podcast in any noisy environment?castamatic is the all new podcast player, with a bloat free and immediate user interface with a strong focus on getting the best listening experience possible for any kind of podcast, in any listening situation. castamatic advanced dsp algorithms, available both while playing local files and streaming from the internet, improve the consistency of sound levels in any audio production without inducing listening fatigue.
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leveler makes spoken voices and dialogs more confortable to listen to reducing the difference in audio level between different parts, while preserving the audio character of the original content.
gap zapper speeds up playback by shortening silent parts, leaving audible content untouched.
Productivity Audio and Music Books News
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