calibre is a free and open source ebook library management application made by users, for users. many languages, designed around the concept of the logical book, i.e., a single entry in your library that may correspond to actual ebook files in several formats.
calibre can sort the books in your library by title, author, date added, date published, size, rating, or series, along with extra metadata such as tags and personal comments. you can easily search your book collection for a particular book, based on any of this information. calibre can also go onto the internet to find online books based on existing title/author or isbn information.
in addition, calibre also:syncs to your ebook readerdownloads news from the internet and converts it into ebook formoffers a ebook viewer that can display all major ebook formats
library managementebook conversionsyncing to ebook reader devicesdownloading news from the web and converting it into ebook formbuiltin ebook viewercontent server for online access to your book collectionebook editor for the major ebook formats