Mathematica is a computational software program used widely in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing.
Calcpad is a lightweight mathematical platform for both cloud and desktop. It parses simple text scripts and converts them into professional Html reports. Supports...
calcpad is a lightweight mathematical platform, available for both cloud and desktop. it parses simple text scripts and converts them into professional html reports. it is quick and easy to learn. no special programming skills are required. it is a perfect tool for developing an using engineering calculations spreadsheets and includes a lot of advanced features:
both real and complex numbers; a builtin library with all standard math functions; named variables and custom functions of multiple parameters f(x; y; z; ...); potting of functions of one or two parameters; numerical methods for root and extremum finding, numerical integration and differentiation; finite sums, products and general inline iterative procedures; insertion of "titles" and 'comments', containing plain text, html, css, svg, images and tables for better formatting; conditions to split the program flow (#if #else #end if) and cycles (#repeat #loop) to perform repetitive calculations; automatic generation of web forms for data input and beautiful html reports at the output; output visibility control and content folding; optional substitution of variables in the output; smart rounding of numbers etc.
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Mathematica is a computational software program used widely in scientific, engineering, and mathematical fields and other areas of technical computing.
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SciPy (pronounced "Sigh Pie") is open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It is also the name of a very popular conference on scientific programming with Python.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
SMath Studio - is a math program with 'paper'-like interface and numerous computing features. It has an ability to work with systems, matrices, vectors, complex numbers, infinities and fractions.
Free Windows Linux Web Windows Mobile
The Collaborative Computational Notebook Built for Modern Engineering. Enter math as it appears on paper, get instantaneous results, and share your calculations with colleagues and clients.
Free Web
MathStudio, formerly SpaceTime, is the most comprehensive math app available for mobile devices.
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