The Best 26 Byki Alternatives
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Rosetta Stone
Rosetta Stone is the worlds #1 language-learning software. Our comprehensive foreign language program provides language learning for individuals and language learning for organizations.
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Learn and play English
This engaging game of skill is a mobile tutor for self-study of vocabulary and phonetics on the beginner’s (elementary, basic) level. The word list includes words from various topics used in everyday life.
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FSI Language Courses
Public domain versions of language courses from the Foreign Service Institute. The courses on this website were developed by the U.S. government. The U.S. government is not, however, affiliated with this site.
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Agenda Mahala
Agenda Mahala is a great website to Learn English. On Agenda Mahala we have great English Courses, and both Level 1 and Level 2 are completely free. You also get an online notebook to keep the lesson appointments.
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Beelinguapp shows the exact same text in two languages; side by side. At the same time, it is an audiobook, and with its unique karaoke reading you follow the audio in the text on both sides.
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Hope Speak
Find Best Partner Online via Learning a Foreign Language: The problem is, too many people are online, but they do not want to chat with you because they are focusing on other things.
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Effective English
This will help your child in confidence with learning about phonics AtoZ in English. This is perfect for first language or ESL learners in home schooling. Help your...
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Tell Me More
TELL ME MORE specializes in offering innovative solutions for language learning. The first developer in the World to have introduced speech recognition technology in...
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SoYouLearn is a online spaced repetition platform. Key features: - A central DB which user can use for creating courses - Courses references existing flash cards -...
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Kanji Book
Kanji Book is a spaced repetition tool to study and review up to 6000 kanji with the help of interactive mnemonics. Your knowledge will be tested using multiple choice...
0 Like is a web application for creating word lists and learning languages through playing games.