Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see.
Bringli enables users to set up a list of things that are needed for social activities or events. This list can easily be shared via email or social networks to invite...
Bringli enables users to set up a list of things that are needed for social activities or events. This list can easily be shared via email or social networks to invite and involve participants. Invitees assign to things they want to bring or add items that are missing. Bringli minimizes the organizational effort to allow the users to focus on a great time together with their friends.
Official Website
events planning
Wunderlist helps millions of people around the world capture their ideas, things to do and places to see.
Freemium Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone Chrome OS Web Blackberry Windows RT
Take your tasks anywhere with this feature-packed application. See tasks located nearby, add and complete tasks on the go, organize upcoming tasks, and sync it all seamlessly with Remember The Milk.
Freemium Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Web Blackberry 10
An electron wrapper for wunderlist made with love for Linux (specially for elementary OS).
Free Open Source Linux
It’s an AI-powered mobile application engineered to help you achieve your life goals. It removes the annoyances and stress of keeping up with your task list by...
Free Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad
A Productivity Tool designed around simplicity and efficiency, while giving you a lot more flexibility to manage your tasks.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux
Create free-of-charge online-bringlist for your event (e.g. a potluck, grill party, club party, vacation).
Free Web
A checklist made by notepad.pw, easy short and fun to use.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux Web Windows Mobile
Create challenges, track your progress, share with everyone and push your limits. Could be used as free to do list, productivity app and even as a shopping list!.
Free Web
Here you can create a free-of-charge online-bringlist for your event (e.g. a potluck, grill party, club party, vacation). Just fill out the form and send the link you...
Free Web