The Best 5 Break-Reminder Alternatives

  • Iris

    Iris is software which makes monitors healthy for the eyes. With iris you can reduce the blue light emitted from your screen for better sleep, reduce the brightness of your screen without PWM and avoid eye pain.

    Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • Take a Five

    Take a quick break from work while staying focused with the Take a Five Chrome extension. Take a Five is not an official product of TakeaFive.

    Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome OS Chrome

  • Look Up

    Look Up helps you remember to rest your eyes, using the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look up for 20 seconds, at something more than 20 feet away. Look Up is a highly rated health app that helps you keep focused in a healthy way.


  • Break

    Break is a simple productivity app to remind you to take a short rest from your computer once in a while. Keep focused and stay productive by taking breaks when needed...

    Commercial Mac OS X Windows