Bookmate is a subscription based e-book service that makes reading accessible to anyone in the world with a mobile phone.
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Bookmate brings readers, authors, publishers, brands and distribution partners together through a strong business model. Market leader in Russia, Bookmate is now available with local catalogue in English, Spanish, Turkish, Swedish and other languages.
Amazon Kindle software lets you read ebooks on your Kindle, iPhone, iPad, PC, Mac, BlackBerry, and Android-based device. You can discover and read over 630,000 books in the Kindle Store, including the latest bestsellers and new releases.
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Freebook Sifter lists free eBooks from various sources. They update the list daily and you can find free eBooks from Amazon sites around the world, Kobo, Nook, Project Gutenberg.
Bookoid helps you select from a vast collection of books and easily manage your personal books library. Easily find the the book you want and also explore from a range...
Forgotten Books is a gigantic online library with over 400,000 books. There is a free book every day or an unlimited download subscription.
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