The Best 18 Alternatives

  • Codecademy icon


    Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends.

    Freemium Web

  • W3Schools

    W3Schools is a web developers information website, with tutorials and references on web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and JQuery, covering most aspects of web programming.

    Free Web

  • Lynda

    Lynda is a web site to get training on many subjects especially on computer related subjects. You are trained through videos and tests. This is unfortunately not free, but paid based on how long you are a member.

    Commercial Web

  • SitePoint

    Learn Web Design and Development with SitePoint tutorials, courses, and books - HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, mobile app development, Responsive Web Design.

    Freemium Web

  • CodeAbbey

    This resource is created to provide short programming problems for all who wants learn programming and improve their programming skills, but who could not easily find enough tasks for practice.

    Free Web

  • Codeasy

    Interactive platform for learning C# where you learn coding by reading an adventure story about fighting machines in the future. While reading you gonna meet challenges that require real coding to solve.

    Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPad Chrome OS Web

  • Code4Startup

    Do you have an idea that you want to turn into an app for a startup? Learn Ruby on Rails, AngularJS, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3 by cloning TaskRabbit, Udemy, AirBnb, Fiverr and ... more.

    Freemium Web

  • Egghead

    Bite-size video tutorials for badass web developers Learn the latest frameworks from industry pros .

    Freemium Web

  • The App Brewery

    Turn your app idea into reality. With a step-by-step curriculum designed for entrepreneurs, you'll learn iOS and Android, app design and app marketing. Everything you need to dominate the app stores.

    Freemium Web

  • Enlight - Learn to Code

    Enlight is a resource aimed to teach anyone to code through building projects. Main page used to be

    Free Open Source Web

  • SkillStore

    SkillStore’s social-learning app helps professionals develop great business skills so their companies can drive great results. SkillStore enables active, experiential...

    Free Web

  • Thinkful

    Thinkful is the best way to learn web development online. Work one-on-one with mentors who review your code and teach you best practices.

    Commercial Web

  • Oozled

    Curated resources for everything creative. Find resources that inspire you and create your own feed based on your favourites.

    Free Web

  • Pineapple

    A centralized hub of user-submitted tutorials and resources for programming and design. Smart-search based on multiple tags. Favorite resources to visit later.

    Free Web

  • LanceBase

    Freelance community social center. Dynamic forum, high-powered discussions, platform ratings, marketplace news, independent workforce chat.

    Commercial Web

  • Workshopr

    Workshopr is a practical online education platform aimed at bridging the gap between education and the job market.

    Commercial Web