yEd Graph Editor
yEd is a powerful diagram editor that can be used to quickly create diagrams manually or import external data for analysis and auto-magically arrange even large data sets by just pressing a button.
Archi is a free, open source, cross-platform tool and editor to create ArchiMate models. ArchiMate is an open and independent Enterprise Architecture modelling...
Archi is a free, open source, crossplatform tool and editor to create ArchiMate models.
ArchiMate is an open and independent Enterprise Architecture modelling language that supports the description, analysis and visualization of architecture within and across business domains. ArchiMate is one of the open standards hosted by The Open Group.
goal-setting modeling architecture archimate
yEd is a powerful diagram editor that can be used to quickly create diagrams manually or import external data for analysis and auto-magically arrange even large data sets by just pressing a button.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux BSD Web
Enterprise Architect is a collaborative modeling, design and management platform based on UML and related standards.
Commercial Windows
ARIS Express is based on the proven ARIS methodology and industry standards. Its intuitive user interface and the latest improvements in modeling assistances enable instant results.
Free Windows
ADONIS:Community Edition is a free version of the BPM toolkit ADONIS aimed both at users new to the business process management, who need an intuitive tool for documenting processes and publishing them as HTML and Word, as well as BPM...
Free Windows
Professional business process modelling on Microsoft platforms. Instantly turn your Visio files into structured corporate model. Enterprise Explorer instantly reveals...
Commercial Windows