StayFocusd is a productivity extension for Google Chrome that helps you stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites.
Application Blocker Pro parental software is an application specially created for parents concerned about their childrens computer activities including the Internet usage.
Application Blocker Pro parental software is an application specially created for parents concerned about their childrens computer activities including the Internet usage. Features: Block websites;Block programs; Block chat; Block games; Block peertopeer applications; Monitor internet activity; Monitor application usage; Report breaking rules attempts; Schedule allow sessions; Add applications to block; Notify user when blocked; Customize blocking message; Exclude user from blocking...
Productivity Sport and Health Home and Family
chat-clients block-websites safety monitoring parental-control kids recording surveillance internet-security parents
StayFocusd is a productivity extension for Google Chrome that helps you stay focused on work by restricting the amount of time you can spend on time-wasting websites.
Free Web Chrome
Cold Turkey is a productivity program that you can use to temporarily block yourself off of popular social media sites, addicting websites and games so that you can get...
Freemium Windows Android
Stop Procrastinating allows you to block the internet and cut online distraction. It has the highest quality features for the best price with the highest level of Software Quality Assurance.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows
If you find yourself constantly ending up on distracting websites, you know what a time sink your computer can be. Unfortunately, you can't just stop using your computer because you need it to be able to get work done.
Free Open Source Windows Linux
Forest is an app to help you stay focused on your work by planting seeds in a forest.
Covenant Eyes offers accountability and filtering solutions - this includes internet filtering based on content, as well as monitoring and logging of sites accessed, with reports available
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone
Process Blocker is a simple utility that lets you block access to specific programs or processes (whitelisting and blacklisting).
Free Windows
the productivity owl is a google chrome extension that eliminates your time wasting habits on the internet.
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux Chrome OS Chrome
Temptation Blocker is a program that lets you lock yourself out of specific applications for a specified period of time. A window displays how much time remains. In...
Free Open Source Windows
Install-Block allows you to require a password in order for new software to be installed on your PC. You can also prevent users from accessing any programs or windows that you choose. Ideal for employers, parents, or schools.
Allows you to control the windows applications, security, Internet, websites and usage time in your computer in a comprehensive way.
Stay focused helps you focus by restricting the daily usage of selected apps to the selected time. Spending too much of time Social Networking or Messaging Apps? Focus...
Free Android