Zero Install
Zero Install is a decentralised cross-distribution software installation system. Other features include full support for shared libraries, sharing between users, and integration with native platform package managers.
Using AppImageKit you can package desktop applications as AppImages that run on common Linux-based operating systems, such as RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian and...
appimagekit is a concrete implementation of the appimage format and provides tools such as appimagetool and appimaged for conveniently handling appimages.
appimage is a format for distributing portable software on linux without needing superuser permissions to install the application. it tries also to allow linux distributionagnostic binary software deployment for application developers, also called upstream packaging. released first in 2004 under the name klik, it was continuously developed since then, renamed in 2011 to portablelinuxapps and 2013 to appimage.
Official Website
software-repository app-packaging