Time Machine
Time Machine is the breakthrough automatic backup that’s built right into Mac OS X. It keeps an up-to-date copy of everything on your Mac — digital photos, music, movies, TV shows, and documents.
APBackup is an automatic backup tool that allows you to back up your data to local or network drives, FTP or LAN. The backup files can be stored uncompressed or in...
APBackup is an automatic backup tool that allows you to back up your data to local or network drives, FTP or LAN. The backup files can be stored uncompressed or in standard Zip format, with additional support for other compression formats (using plugins).
backup-and-restore synchronization ftp-backup backup-and-sync
Time Machine is the breakthrough automatic backup that’s built right into Mac OS X. It keeps an up-to-date copy of everything on your Mac — digital photos, music, movies, TV shows, and documents.
Free Mac
Full PC backup, extremely fast and allows to restore to a completely different Windows and computer. For example, restore programs, settings and files from a backup of Windows 7 32bit Dell to a Windows 10 64bit HP (without wiping it)
Commercial Windows
BackUp Maker is the professional solution for creation of data-backups. The ease of use as well as the range of functions enable you to create backup tasks for saving files and folders with a lack of time.
Free Personal Windows
Right Backup is a useful application that allows you to store your personal data on the cloud. Its an online backup storage provider working over several platforms to keep your valuable data safe and secure.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Android iPhone
BackupChain Backup Software backs up your system, virtual machines, and databases while running. Run backups locally, remotely, and off-site via FTP with this professional backup utility. Includes FTP server.
Commercial Windows