Apache Hadoop
Apache Hadoop is a open source software framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications licensed under the Apache v2 license.
Amazon Kinesis services make it easy to work with real-time streaming data in the AWS cloud.
amazon kinesis makes it easy to work with realtime streaming data in aws.
amazon kinesis is a platform for streaming data on aws, offering powerful services to make it easy to load and analyze streaming data, and also providing the ability for you to build custom streaming data applications for specialized needs. web applications, mobile devices, wearables, industrial sensors, and many software applications and services can generate staggering amounts of streaming data – sometimes tbs per hour – that need to be collected, stored, and processed continuously. amazon kinesis services enable you to do that simply and at a low cost.
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content-delivery server-management analytics developer-tools virtualization web-analytics mobile-device-management streaming content-delivery-network mobile-apps-development data-streaming mobile-content-management