Age of Empires
Age of Empires is an epic real-time strategy game spanning 10,000 years, in which players are the guiding spirit in the evolution of small stone age tribes.
War is upon us and only the mightiest kingdom will rule the realm. Build the ultimate kingdom, wage total war on your enemies, and conquer the realm!.
in a distant realm of sword and sorcery, a great evil had swept across the land. demons from the underworld and their evil minions poured across the kingdoms of man, until the great cities lay in ruin, and there were naught but a handful of cowering souls remaining. choose your king, as you alone must travel to the end of the world, build a mighty castle, slay the undead hordes, and convert the people of the land to loyal subjects of your domain... in the age of castles! build you castle, siege, 5 charakters real castles 60 enemys 18 scenarios amazing 3dgraphics
games strategy-game historical-game economic-simulation-game city-building
Age of Empires is an epic real-time strategy game spanning 10,000 years, in which players are the guiding spirit in the evolution of small stone age tribes.
Commercial Windows Mac
Age of Mythology is based on building towns, gathering resources, creating armies, and ultimately destroying enemy units and buildings. In this way, players are able to defeat and conquer rival towns and civilizations.
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Stronghold Crusader is a RTS game from the series from Stronghold. In Stronghold Crusader the player can play as either the legendary Richard the Lionheart or the formidable Saladin.
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Europa 1400: The Guild is a simulation game set in Europe from the year 1400 up to 1815.
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The Patrician is the title of a series of historical trading simulation computer games for the PC, Amiga and Atari ST published by Ascaron Entertainment. In the games...
Commercial Windows