Ammyy Admin is a highly reliable and very friendly tool for remote computer access. You can provide remote assistance, remote administration or remote teaching for your clients, employees and friends regardless of their location.
Web-based admin dashboard & control panel template. Highly customizable and easy to use. Fits many screen resolutions from small mobile devices to large desktops.
open source admin dashboard & control panel theme. built on top of bootstrap 3, adminlte provides a range of responsive, reusable, and commonly used components.
* adminlte features
* html5 & css3 verified html5 and css3 syntax by w3c services.
* responsive design mobile first design. fits many resolutions, from large desktops to small mobile devices.
* 1000+ icons featuring font awesome, ion icons, and glyphicons.
* 6 skins choose a skin that matches your branding or edit the less variables to create your own.
* enhanced for printing support for printing any page. the invoice page makes a perfect example.
* lightweight although adminlte is full of features, it was designed to be fast and lightweight.
* browser compatibility support for most major browsers including safari, ie9+, chrome, ff, and opera.
* many plugins over 18 plugins and an aditional 3 custom made plugins just for adminlte.
* active community have a suggestion or an issue? visit our github repository to get help.
admin-panel system-administration admin-ui