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Share what you know and love through presentations, infographics, documents and more.
Free online authoring tool to transform your PDFs into interactive/multimedia publications then publish and share anywhere.
Free online authoring tool to transform your PDFs into interactive/multimedia publications then publish and share anywhere. You can add interactive elements such as: YouTube, animated pictures, audio and video clips Web links, bookmarks, custom TOC Uploading external files of any type Custom widgets (using HTML Markups and JavaScript) Custom quizzes, surveys, and feedbacks using multimedia Builtin dictionary Social learning module and many more!
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Productivity Education and Reference Books News
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Share what you know and love through presentations, infographics, documents and more.
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FlippingBook Publisher allows you to build stunning flash flip books for both online and offline use in minutes.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows
Transform your doc, pdf, word, movie in an interactive flipbook. It's very easy: upload your file and you will receive an email with the url to your creation. You...
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FlipBuilder provides flash&html5 flip book design software to build wonderful 3d flash flip page effect ebooks from PDF, images, Office files.
Commercial Mac OS X Windows