Audiobook Builder
Now there’s Audiobook Builder, the easy way to quickly import your Audiobook CDs (with chapter) (or tracks that are already on your Mac), organize them and output one or...
This program creates iPod compatible audiobooks including chapters. It can be used in a shell (php script) as well as with the delivered grafical user interface.
this program creates ipod compatible audiobooks including chapters. it can be used in a shell (php script) as well as with the delivered grafical user interface. as most people have audiobooks splitted into many mp3files, this script will enable you to use all the features of audiobooks (*.m4b).
abc has the following features:
support for oggvorbis files create audiobooks directly from cd audiobooks are displayed in the correct menu section on your ipod device chapter selection (with titlenames) coverart (if you have an appropriate "cover.jpg")
album-artwork audio-cd-ripper chapters ogg-vorbis audiobook-creator m4b